• Nhóm kín víp prồ, đỉnh của chóp 👉 xamvn

Có video "Kick back" tiếng Tây Ban Nha


Tao là gay
Chủ thớt
        rotation and scale relative to the new origin -->
  <g transform="translate(100,100)" >
    <!-- The following illustrates the use of the 'set', 'animateMotion',
         'animate' and 'animateTransform' elements. The 'text' element
         below starts off hidden (i.e., invisible). At 3 seconds, it:
           * becomes visible
           * continuously moves diagonally across the viewport
           * changes color from blue to dark red
           * rotates from -30 to zero degrees
           * scales by a factor of three. -->
    <text id="TextElement" x="0" y="0"
          font-family="Verdana" font-size="35.27" visibility="hidden"  >
      It's alive!
      <set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible"
           begin="3s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" />
      <animateMotion path="M 0 0 L 100 100"
           begin="3s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" />
      <animate attributeName="fill" attributeType="CSS"
           from="rgb(0,0,255)" to="rgb(128,0,0)"
           begin="3s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" />
      <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML"
           type="rotate" from="-30" to="0"
           begin="3s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" />
      <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML"
           type="scale" from="1" to="3" additive="sum"
           begin="3s" dur="6s" fill="freeze" />
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